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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

HOLLYWOOD - There have been multiple adaptations of the mystical story Alice in Wonderland--Tim Burton is scheduled to put his spin on the classic story with his new film Alice slated for release in 2010.

An unknown Australian actress has won the title role in Burton's eagerly awaited adaptation, according to WENN.

Teenager Mia Wasikowska is set to hit the big time after being picked to play the heroine in the movie version of Lewis Carroll's classic.

The director is reportedly lining up long-time muse Johnny Depp to play the Mad Hatter in the film.

And newcomer Wasikowska, 18, will be treading on the toes of Lindsay Lohan, after the Mean Girls star reportedly begged Burton not to choose an unknown for the role, insisting she was "ideal" to play the part.

Wasikowska says, "I'm so so excited. The book's really intrigued me when I was little and I've always loved the story. I really love (Burton films) Edward Scissorhands and Big Fish."

Earlier this year, Wasikowska was chosen as one of only two Australian actresses to receive a Heath Ledger scholarship, a fund to help young up-and-coming Aussie performers in memory of the late actor.