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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Since I’ve been walking the dogs with NakedJen recently, we have had to go quite early in the morning before she heads off to her glamorous work for Sundance. That means that we are trying to play fetch with the dogs in the dark and it’s hard for them to find the normal tennis balls in the unlit areas of the park. On those dark mornings, Jen brings her Meteorlight Light-Up Dog Ball. It works with the Chuck It, so she can throw it for yards and yards, but the dogs can still see it because it lights up.

It’s so fun watching Buddha and Stella chase after the light up ball and watch them run back with it flashing in their mouths. If you have to exercise your dogs in the dark mornings and evenings of winter, this light up ball is a must-have.


mingzie said...

anyone know of a light-up ball for smaller dogs?