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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

QStarz's latest GPS data logger/Bluetooth GPS receiver is self-proclaimed to be the most powerful in the world. Going by the moniker BT-Q1000X, this device will share a similar form factor as its predecessors, although underneath the hood is where all the difference lies. Features of the BT-Q1000X include :-

* MTK II chipset with high sensitivity -165dBm and 66-Channel tracking
* Ultra lower power consumption (up to 42hrs operation)
* Less than 15-sec. AGPS fix support
* Update Rate 1~5Hz
* G-Mouse + Bluetooth in one: wired and wireless GPS receiver

The BT-Q1000X is able to store up to 200,000 points, featuring the ability to save a location with the push of a button (for geotagging) with an auto on-off feature to further maximize battery life. There is no word on when this will arrive on US shores.