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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nowadays many homes and offices apply the wireless data communications called “wireless LAN” to create a network instead of the Wired LAN (Local Area Network) which still has wires. The important reason why people widespreadly use the wireless LAN is that they do not need to arrange too many wires. They can transfer data without wires in the coverage area of the wireless LAN. It’s not only easy to use but also easy to set up the network systems. Therefore, the wireless LAN is one of the interesting solutions for anyone.

The differences between the Wired and Wireless LAN.Before we know how does the Wireless LAN work. We should know the differences between the Wired and Wireless LAN. In the past, the developments of data communications are in the wire medium. Therefore, we know the distance of signal reaching because of the fixed wire. Moreover, it is easy to manage the noise signal between wires and easy to expand the system only adding more wires. It is different from the Wireless LAN which uses the frequencies of a radio wave. The wave propagation must pass through the air medium and encounter some barriers such as trees, ceiling hole, and many buildings. You notice that many mediums are involved in the wave propagation which can reflect the wave propagation route. Because of the effect of wave reflection by many barriers so the certainty distance is unable to expect. Besides, noise between frequencies of a radio wave can occur in the joint medium.

The comparison between Wired and Wireless Network.
* Wired Network
- We do not have to share a frequency because of the separated wire : Each wire can use in the same frequency.
- The signal attenuation is lower than Wireless Network. This means the distance of the signal coverage is longer than Wireless Network as well.
- The low noise signal.
* Wireless Network
- Frequency sharing in the air medium.
- The high attenuation of the signal.
- The high noise signal.

Although Wired Network has more advantages referred to “The comparison between Wired and Wireless Network“, but Wireless Network is more flexible than Wire Network because of the disorder of wires. We do not have to waste time to create a network by wiring. You imagine that you undertook to design a network in a exhibition and you determined to use Wired Network for your network solution. You might be tired from wiring but you must be more tried than from pulling down your Wired Network after the exhibition had finished. In these activities on Wired Network can waste your money too much but Wireless Network can solve these problem. If you make a decision to use Wireless Network, you may only install the signal receiver and transceiver and your network is ready to be used. An important thing is that it is low cost for setting up the network.