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Friday, October 10, 2008

The premise of this hilarious website is simple;send your enemies digital voodoo curses.Whether its an employer who fired you unfairly or a teacher who gave you a D on your report,an anonymous e-mail curse is just seconds away.A disturbing image of a voodoo doll's head welcomes users to the website.Upon clicking it,you will enter Pinstruck and immediately be able to send and track voodoo curses of figure out what to do if you have been cursed by someone else.If you are not feeling sadistic enough then you can simply shop for cool Voodoo-inspired tee-shirts.Pinstruck is perfect for sending funny curses to your acquaintances,good and bad,on Halloween.Just make sure you don't send a voodoo curse to overly supersititious people who can't take a joke.